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Server Bilgileri

knight server
Server Adı RKO Official Myko 1299 Malaysia Orginal Server
Site Adresi http://panel.reunionknightonline.com.my
Zorluk Zor
Lvl Aralığı 1 Lvl Başlangıç 1 Lvl Bitiş
Açılış Tarihi 3 yıl önce (20/06/2021)
Server Durumu Server Kapalı Server Kapalı
Son Kontrol 2 yıl önce
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Server Tanıtımı

We hope you All the fun and free to play.  our server MYKO  60% Easy farming and leveling 40% player Killing.

Hello All knight we will open official server this 
We hope you All the fun and free to play. 
our server MYKO 
60% Easy farming and leveling 40% player Killing.
-All quest work
-Friendly GameMaster
-Knight can check at our website server information for the server info.
-Drop Rate all lite
-Upgrade Rate lite
-Easy to farming
-Master Quest easy to make.
-Play and Farming with knight Party
-All system War,FT BDW and etc


Exchanger national point for item

New quest addon

This is our server link knight can free to download http://reunionknightonline.com.my/
All Knight Bring your memories back like old time and bring you clan and friend to enjoy and relax server.


Server Yorumları

PvpServerin.com 2025