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Server Bilgileri

silkroad server
Server Adı Serapis Silkroad Online
Site Adresi http://gamehot.net/silkroad/serapis-silkroad-online
Zorluk Kolay
Lvl Aralığı 90 Lvl Başlangıç 90 Lvl Bitiş
Açılış Tarihi 1 yıl önce (02/09/2023)
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Son Kontrol 3 gün önce
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Server Tanıtımı

Serapis Silkroad Online is a Silkroad private servers with a brand new gameplay promising to excite you. Gameplay is not that far away from oldschool but we had to make some changes in order to offer a more interesting server. We can ensure you as oldschool lovers that we made everything we could to offer the most oldschool gameplay possible but with- out all negative parts Silkroad had at this cap/time. All our features are tested and made in a way that ensure you won't face any problems.

Server Yorumları

PvpServerin.com 2024